Edmonton Hash House Harriers
The Edmonton HHH was founded by John "Splash N Dash" Cosco and Mike "Love Canal" Rust (both former Vancouver HHH).
The first run was held on September 9, 1991 and started from the Kinsmen Field House. The On-On was held at the Jekyll & Hyde Pub. The first run had 9 hounds and 2 hares. Over 2000 Edmontonians have run at least once with the EH3, and we currently have over 200 active hashers. The average pack is 80.
The EH3 runs Monday evenings at 18:30 during the summer and Saturday afternoons at 14:00 during the winter. The run fee currently is $5 and virgins run free for their first run with the EH3. Included in the run fee is swill and the world's finest "Hash Trash" painstakingly produced and published by Lucky Stiff.

Old Strathcona Hash House Harriers
The Old Strathcona HHH was founded by John "Splash N Dash" Cosco (former Vancouver HHH) and Mike "Tool-In-Hand" Gordon.
Otherwise known as the "No Frills Hash" or the "Sunday Hash", the OSH3 runs year round once a month on Sunday afternoons, at 2 pm. There is no run fee.

Edmonton Full Moon Hash House Harriers
The Edmonton Full Moon HHH was founded in September of 1993 and runs once a month on (or near) the full moon. It is "A running social club which glows with fun and excitement when the Full Moon shines and on other special occasions." After the run hashers typically meet at either a pub or the hare's home. On occasion the Full Moon HHH will hold a special eclipse run/walk when there is a lunar or solar eclipse!
The Edmonton Full Moon HHH is under the direction of Dr. Diddle.

Diva Hash
Founded by Pat "French Tickler" Gay and Margaret "Mud Vessel" Golberg. The first run was on July 13, 2012 at G-Spot's home.
This is an all women’s hashing group (no men allowed!) that meets every Friday the 13th or whenever we damn well feel like it! Our purpose is to run trails that include stops along the way to drink champagne and eat bon-bons. The Hares provide the champagne and chocolate on trail and may collect a small coverage fee at the end of the trail. The pack members are encouraged to bring their favorite beverage and any kind of food to share at the gathering afterwards. Runners and walkers are equally welcome as the whole aim of our group is to be sociable, enjoying a chat with whoever comes along.

Edmonton BASH (Bicycle Hashing)
The Bash rides every Tuesday during the dirt months. A mountain or cross-country bike is recommended as most of the ride is on single track trails. Less crazy bashers may want to ride on nearby gravel or pavement trails. Bring a Helmet!!!! Click on the link for more details.

Snowshoe Hash

The Intreadible Walking Hash
The Intreadible Walking Hash was founded by Wendy "Trot-to-Hot" Williamson for the SCB's, BOP's, Cherryites, Socialites, Sheep, Stragglers, Turtles and Injured Runners of the EHHH.
The IWH held its inaugural walk (yes, WALK) on Thursday, March 14, 1996 at Emily Murphy Park. After a brisk 60 minute walk, 23 hashers strutted off to the On-On. This is a walking hash. No running, only striding, stepping, hiking, marching, pacing, trekking, strutting, rambling, roving, meandering, promenading, wandering, treading, shuffling, strolling, straggling, plodding, or tramping.

Bitch-U-Man Hash
Founded by Darren "Wisecracker" Murray and Kevin "Bird Shit" King, the first run of this hash was held on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at the Jekyll and Hyde Pub, with about 20 attending. It was named the Bitch-U-Man HHH on its 6th run on May 17, 2012. The Bitch-U-Man HHH no longer meets. Instead, check out the True Trail HHH, which meets on alternate Thursdays.

Edmonton First Night HHH
The EFNHHH held its inaugural run at 2:00am (yes, am) on January 1, 1996 at the Crestwood Curling Club. Approx 50 hashers attended the party and then 28 managed to stagger out for the early morning run.
There were 10 more EFN hashes, changing venues from Rosario's, back to Crestwood and then finally to Whitemud Creek Community Hall - considered to be the best venue since Bird Sh-t and Numb Tongue's place was within staggering distance.
The EFN hash held its last run in 2006. Lickin Lizard, Bird Shit, Numb Tongue and Mr. PeeeeeNut were seeing less and less interest in a Hash NYE party.